Ceremony, Omar Sosa
Client: Ota records
Job: Cd digipack Design + Promocional Video
Obs: Big pleasure working in this project with Omar Sosa & NDR Bigban
and Jaques Morelembaum. Photo for the Cd artwork: Chistopher Toothman.
I really recomend you to see the video, was shoot during 2 years of recordings i the NDR,
we make the edition from more then 10 tapes without a name, a big puzzle to edit, understand and
ilustrate such a complex and Big project, total respect.
+ info: Omar Sosa & melodia.com
When: 02/2010
Where: Barcelona - San Francisco - Hamburg
Tales from the earth, Omar Sosa
Client: Ota records
Job: Tales from the earth cd digipack Design
Obs: When simplicity meets, afrecan inspiration....
+ info: Omar Sosa & melodia.com
When: 08/2009
Where: Barcelona - San Francisco
Afreecanos, Omar Sosa
Client: Ota records
Job: Afreecanos Cd digipack Design + Video Clip Colaboration
Obs: Another Omar Sosa CD, in this time we make it all, the photo and the concept, Omar came with this
great name, afreecanos and we search a nice way to materialize it, great album, afro roots and soft jazz...
In the video we went to film on Bahia, super cool experience...directed by: Aitor Cheverria.
+ info: Omar Sosa & melodia.com
When: 02/2008
Where: Barcelona - San Francisco - Bahia
Mulatos Remix, Omar Sosa
Client: Ota records
Job: Mulatos Remix cd digipack Design
Obs: Mulatos disc remix for japan label, mulatos hearts ilustration by tom14
+ info: Omar Sosa & melodia.com
When: 11/2006
Where: Barcelona - San Francisco
Mulatos, Omar Sosa
Client: Ota records
Job: Mulatos cd digipack Design
Obs: All the disc background ,is made from omar sosa newspaper release, ilustrations by: marinamaass
+ info: Omar Sosa & melodia.com
When: 12/2004
Where: Barcelona - San Francisco
Omar Sosa Web
Client: Ota records
Job: Webpage
Obs: Bring to the web some of the elements omar use
on the estage, web with backoffice, flahs and htm integration.
+ info: Omar Sosa & melodia.com
When: 04/2004
Where: Barcelona - San Francisco
Aleatoric EFX, Omar Sosa
Client: Ota records
Job: Aleatoric EFX cd digipack Design
Obs: Piano and efx, aleatoric artwork, silver special ink...
+ info: Omar Sosa & melodia.com
When: 04/2004
Where: Barcelona - San Francisco